The Mountain and The Fog

Have you ever daydreamed about meeting Phil Knight before Nike became a global empire, and getting in on the ground floor? Maybe you’ve thought about being best buds with Wozniak and Jobs and helping found Apple. Possibly you have replayed a failure of yours in your head and thought about all the ways it could have gone differently. Regardless of what you have thought about, there’s something to be said about being in the right place at the right time.

That’s because timing is everything. People spend countless hours every week trying to figure out what the next best thing is. If only they could find out what will become a cultural phenomenon before “Day One” they could strike it rich. The same can be said about the promises of God.

There is a constant pursuit in the life of most believers to make sure that they are doing the right thing at the right time. Some felt they have missed the call of God and their time has come and gone. Some feel that the call will never come to pass because they never seem to be under the right conditions.

Whatever your circumstances are I want to say this: It’s not too late. You have not missed out. All of His promises are Yes and Amen. He will bring to pass that which He has told you in the secret place. This is the favorable time in which He has heard you. You were born for such a time as this!

I now want to share with you a strong vision that I believe will strengthen and encourage you.

Where I live there is a highway, that when going eastbound, has a breathtaking view of Mt. Hood. This mountain is massive and majestic.

Mt. Hood as seen from TV Highway

However, sometimes when driving the fog and clouds can cover the view of the mountain. All of my life I’ve known that the mountain is there. The reality of the fog and clouds do not change the existence of the mountain — even though I cannot see it.

If God’s promises are like that mountain, then the fog and clouds are like the difficulties and struggles of life. Sometimes there are seasons where the promises of God are hard to see, yet He still calls us to pursue them. He calls us to keep driving to the mountain. He wants us to have more faith in the mountain than in the fog and the clouds.

When the fog is thick, a fear can creep in that we are driving in the wrong direction. It’s not wrong to want to know that you are going the right way. That knowledge brings peace and security.

The good news is that He has promised us that He would guide us if we trust Him. Proverbs 3:5–6 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” God is deeply invested and interested in getting you to the promise. He will not let you down.

Now is the season to trust Him, and put the pedal to the metal. Before you know it you will hit an incline, and you will be driving up the mountain! You are in the right place at the right time.

Thank you for reading

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